Facts About Cassi #Blogtober 2014 | The World From the View of Two Teenage Girls: Facts About Cassi #Blogtober 2014

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Facts About Cassi #Blogtober 2014

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Initially, Katie and I planned to do so many more of these than we wound up having time for.  I feel like this is what we have been saying for 4 months now, though.  Our lives are just very busy at the moment and I think we're having a hard time finding a nice balance.

But, today I'm here sharing some facts about myself.

1. I'm 15 and a sophomore in high school.

2. I just got my permit in August so I've been driving a lot.

3. I've been dancing since just before my third birthday and have no intentions of stopping anytime soon.  (10 points if you can guess which one I am)

4. I live on a boat with my parents and little brother during the warmer months.

5. I either read 8 books a week or 1 in three months- there's no in between.

6. I still volunteer at the elementary school I used to attend.

7. I never anticipated getting as much out of blogging as I have.

8. This is my third year doing online school. 

9. I have no clue what I want to do after graduation high school (if you want to pay me to blog full time, hmu)

10. When I was little I refused to drink soda because it was "spicy".

11. I've been to London, Prague, and Toronto.

12. I was a Girl Scout in elementary school. 

13. I sing constantly. . . 

14. but I'm tone deaf.

15. I enjoy making tea and forgetting about it until 4 hours has elapsed and it's cold.

16. Sometimes I make 100 cupcakes for fun.

17. I've a small (huge) Tumblr obsession.

18. Other than getting it trimmed, I haven't cut my hair since I was in 4th grade.  (It's a bit long now)

19. I don't procrastinate school work- I'd rather be two weeks ahead.

20. I prefer to be everywhere 30 minutes early.

21. I keep a lot of stuff in my purse.  I could honestly probably live out of it for a week or two.

22. I read every single Sarah Dessen book in chronological order summer of 2013.

23. I thought reading was kind of a lame way to end this so I added this bullet?


Helene in Between

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